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2024 Workshops

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Battersea Bookshop presents Oz Clarke

06 Nov 2024
What should the story of wine be all about?
The flavours of the wines? Of course. If we know what they’re like, that is. Some of the flavours are brand new, some are old as time. Some we can experience tonight. Some haven’t been experienced for a thousand years. But they’re all relevant to our story. From the beginning of wine time to now, flavours have come, flavours have gone, some flavours have come again, and they’re all part of this story.
Join Oz Clarke on a journey through the ages as he explores the places, the people and the bottles that have shaped the captivating history of wine.
Starting as far back as 6000 BC and the probable birth of a wine culture in ancient Georgia, through the fact and fiction of Persia, Egypt, Greece and Rome and then on along the fascinating cluttered trail right up to the trends and tribulations of now – including the devastation wildfires cause to winemakers, and globally warming, Oz shares over a hundred stories, and woven into these tales are probably a hundred more.
From ground-breaking innovations and momentous discoveries to revered medieval monks and visionary scientists who revolutionised winemaking techniques, these stories are told to make wine more alive, to bring wine’s wonders closer to you, and also to make you think, to ask you to ponder wine’s past – where it comes from; wine’s present – where it is now; and wine’s future – where it is going.
Oz Clarke